Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, the minimum wage. 经济学理论对有关农业生产、的租金控制以及最低工资这类经济决策的影响作出预测。
Generation rent refers to the generation of people born from the eighties onwards, who because of changes in the economic situation are more likely to rent their homes than buy them. Generationrent(租房一代)指出生于上世纪八十年代及以后,由于经济形势的变化多选择租房而非买房的一代人。
She managed to let her house at an economic rent, which not only paid for repairs but also made a small profit. 她设法以十分有利的租金出租房子,房租的收入除了可供维修的开支外,还有盈余。
The clear alternative is a reformed system that focuses on taxing the rising land values created by general prosperity, or economic rent. 一种明确的替代方案,是改革税收机制,把重点放在对普遍繁荣造成的不断上涨土地价值或地租征税上。
This thesis from Wuliangyei& Maotai s economic rent, brand value, and mass reverberation and evaluated their branding strategy. 本文从经济收入与利润、品牌价值、社会反响三个角度评价了五粮液与茅台两品牌战略的得失。
Without victory in this struggle, no victory is possible in the economic struggle to reduce rent and interest, to secure land and other means of production, and so on. 这个斗争不胜利,一切减租减息,要求土地及其他生产手段等等的经济斗争,决无胜利之可能。
Internalization enables a firm to "appropriate" an economic rent for its knowledge that cannot be obtained in external markets. 内部化战略能够使企业占有其特有知识的经济租金而排除了外部市场的竞争。
Governmental behavior would be modulated simultaneously by both of "Public Interest" hypothesis and "Economic Individual" hypothesis, which causes the occurrence of Rent-Seeking, further the adjustment of profit among merger participants. 政府行为在企业并购中同时受公共利益假设和经济人假设双重调节,并购的寻租模式也由此产生,进而导致了并购参与者之间的利益调整。
All this can demonstrated by way of the consumer behavior theory, scale economic theory and rent reduction theory. 这可以从消费者行为理论、规模经济理论以及地租衰减理论得到很好的解释。
Recommends the economic evaluating methods of lease and the methods ofcalculating rent. 介绍了租赁经济评价指标和租金的计算方法。
Transaction is the basic units of economic analysis, is a process of distributing economic rent by division of property right and relocation, wherever contract is the institution arrangement. 交易是经济学分析的基本单位,是通过产权的分割和再配置来分配经济租金的过程,而契约是完成交易的制度安排。
This paper quotes a concept of economic rent from economics to define the competitive superiority in management. 本文借用经济学中经济租的概念定义了战略管理中的竞争优势,认为竞争优势就是企业拥有的稀有要素所赚取的经济租,得出了一个有关竞争优势的概念框架。
The successful governance to the household fanners depends on the rules or institutions that can produce and allocate economic rent perfectly for each participator to satisfy the stake-holders '( the firm, the agents and the households) incentive compatibility constrain and participation constrain. 对农户的成功治理,取决于各种治理规则/制度能为利益相关者(公司、片长、农户)创造经济租金并妥善分配经济租金,以满足利益相关者的参与约束和激励兼容约束。
The result shows that the high income of professional soccer players belongs to economic rent. It includes basic wage, bonus and additional income. 结果表明:中国职业足球运动员的高收入属于经济租金,它是由基本工资、奖金和个人额外收入三部分组成;
Corruption is the activity where public servants abandon their duties and disobey the law, and collaborate with others in taking the economic rent out of the state. 腐败是公务人员违反法定职责与社会其他人串谋瓜分政府经济租金的活动。
Analysis of Economic Rent in China's Credit Reporting Industry After Entering WTO& the economic analysis of international law comparison and advices 论加入WTO后我国个人信用征信业中的经济租&立法缺失的成本国际比较及相应政策建议
Economic Analysis on Relative Rent in Supply Chain 供应链中关系性租金的经济学分析
The reason of high economic rent is the demand exceeding supply in soccer market, the result of taxation of soccer players. 经济租金高的原因是足球市场的供不应求,足球运动员的税收及非市场经济力量共同作用的结果;
This paper explores economic rules of rent seeking activities by discussing two rent seeking models and provides helpful inspirations for establishing policies to restrain rent seeking. 通过对两个寻租模型的讨论,探索了寻租活动的经济规律,为制定治理寻租的政策方案提供了有益的启示。
The third part of the article analyzes the "rent seeking" behavior under Chinese transformation period in economic ways, including practical analysis of reasons of "rent seeking" behavior and standard analysis of "rent seeking" scope and cost. 第三部分对中国转型时期的寻租行为进行了经济学的分析。包括寻租行为产生的原因、寻租规模及成本估算方面的分析。
Economic Analysis for Rent Trading 租金交易的经济分析
The paper tries to understand and explain the interest rate adjustment behavior, or the rate policy, of China's Central Bank from the perspective of the economic theory of rent seeking and public choice. 文章从寻租和公共选择经济学的视角理解我国中央银行的利率调整行为&中央银行的利率政策。
And in natural resources, energy resources can produce relatively high economic rent, and consequently its strategic position in the process of social-economic development is particularly important. 而在自然资源中,能源资源可以产生相对较高的经济租,所以,其在社会经济发展过程中的战略地位便显得尤为重要。
Xuan ye in view of this, gradually reduced to escape penalties of the law, gradually easing social conflicts and national opposition, deeper reason is economic and social development of the feudal rent system replaced the SERF system, appear to escape was tantamount to the Cauldron. 玄烨鉴于此,渐次降低逃人法的处罚力度,逐渐缓解了社会矛盾和民族对立,更深层次的原因是经济社会的发展促使封建租佃制取代了农奴生产制,对逃人产生无异于釜底抽薪。
However, due to lack of government accountability, the focus only goes to the economic development rather than the attention to low rent housing security, which aggravates the difficult issues of housing low-income groups increasing. 但由于政府责任缺失,只注重发展经济,而忽略廉租房保障,使得低收入群体住房难问题愈加严重。
Therefore, during the process of financial reform, the government is confronted with the dilemma between boosting economic efficiency and maximizing monopoly rent in terms of choosing and adjusting financial regulation policies. 由此,在选择、调整金融管制、推动金融市场化改革的进程中,政府往往面临着效率最大化和垄断租金最大化这两个不同目标的矛盾。
At the same time, local government activities for political and economic rent, which lead to the macro-control of real estate market frequent failures, afford a premise such as the absence of regulation for the collusion between real estate firms. 同时地方政府寻求政治和经济租金的行为使其容易被房地产寡头所俘获,导致中央管制和调控房地产市场的政策屡屡失效,成为房地产企业合谋的管制缺陷前提。
Because the lessee is mainly lack of economic ability, he has to rent the part of the whole house, we can not deny his qualification as the lessee to make the lessee preemption right eroded. 承租人之所以选择租赁出租人房屋的部分,大多数是因为自身经济能力的欠缺,但是不能因此而否认其作为合法承租人的资格,使得承租人优先购买权形同虚设。
The knowledge spillover effects between the audit and non-audit service provides the possibility and cause for the parties who buy or sale non-audit services to pursue economic rent. 同时,审计与非审计服务之间存在的知识溢出效应为契约各方追逐经济租提供了可能与动因。